
How to install Golang on macOS

A short tutorial with instructions on how to install and setup the Go compiler on macOS.
Captain Salem 2 min read
How to install Golang on macOS

Golang or Go for short is a fantastic modern and powerful programming language. It was developed by enginners at google to solve, well, Google problems including powerful and fast HTTP processing. Go also offers efficient and powerful excution with minimal compile time.

Go is a free and open-source that offers a great entry point for new developers as well as seasoned professionals. It is very easy to learn and provides great tools and concepts that can be heavily adopted for production. This means that Go has all the ingridients of a great programming language: easy to learn, ridiculously fast compile time and very fast.

We could go on listing all the ways that Go is a great language but for now, let us get into the roots of the article.

In this one, you will learn how to download and setup the Go compiler on your macOS system. This will give you access to the go command-line tools and features.

Let's get started.

Step 1 - Download the Go Compiler

The first step is to download and install the Golang compiler. You can do so by opening the link provided below:

Once you have the .pkg file on your local machine, launch the installer.

In the next step, select the target destination directory. By default, Go will be installed in the /usr/local/go directory.

Next, select the installation Type and the features you wish to install.

Finally, Click install to proceed with the installation process. You may need to authenticate the installation process.

Once the installation is complete, you should see a success message as shown below:

By default, go should be available in your system's path. You can verify by running the command:

$ go version

The command should return an output as shown:

go version
go version go1.18.3 darwin/amd64


This was a very brief tutorial on how to install and setup the Golang compiler on macOS.

Thanks for reading & Stay tuned for more!!

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