
How to make a POST request with cURL

In this tutorial, we are going to focus on how we can use the cURL utility to perform a POST request to a given server.

4 min read
How to make a POST request with cURL

Nearly all of us have heard of or even used cURL. cURL is a powerful and incredibly useful command-line utility for tranferring data over network using various protocols.

One of the most common protocols to interact with is the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. This involves us making requests such as GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, etc.

The HTTP POST request is a type of request method that allows us to send data to a server. A POST request is responsible for a wide variety of actions such as submitting forms, payment authorization, and more.

You can learn more about the POST request below:

The HTTP POST method sends data to the server. The type of the body of the request is indicated by the Content-Type header.

This is a fundamental part if you want to interact with APIs or automating some network tasks using cURL.

Command Syntax

The following shows the command syntax of sending a POST request using cURL.

curl -X POST [options] [URL]

In this case, the -X option allows us to specify the type of request we wish to perform. In this case, we want to perform a HTTP POST request.

An exampe POST request that contains data is as shown:

curl -X POST 
   -H "Content-Type: application/json"
   -d '{"server: "1", "auth": "true"}'

Pay attention to the command above. We start with the cURL command followed by the following options:

  • -X - this option tells cURL that we want to perform an HTTP POST request.
  • -d - this parameter allows us to provide the associated data in the body of the HTTP request.
  • -H - this specifies the headers for the request. In our case, we specify the content type that we wish to send which is json data, expressed as application/json.

You can use the the long-form versions of the above parameters. For example, you can replace the -X with --request and -H with --headers.


Let us explore various examples on how to perform various types of POST requests when working in cURL.

Example 1 - Post Request Body

The first exampe is post data on the body of a request message using cURL. As you saw in the first example, we specify the data using the -d option as shown:

curl -X POST
		 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
		 -d '{"name": "csalem", "url": ""}'

NOTE: To post JSON data using cURL, we need to set the Content-Type to application/json and use the -d parameter to pass JSON to cURL

Example 2 - Post File.

cURL does allow us to post a file using the combination of the -d and the -F parameters. We then need to start the data using the @symbol.

By default, cURL will infer the content type from the file extension.

curl -d @schema.json

This will use the data from the file specified in the command above.

Example 3 - Post XML with cURL.

We can also post XML data to the server using the -d option and specifying the content type as application/xml.

An example is as shown:

curl -X POST
   -H "Content-Type: application/xml"
   -d "<Data><UserID>1</UserID><Username>geekbits</Username></Data>"

Example 4 - Sending Auth Creds

If you are dealign with basic authentication endpoint, you can pass the username and password credentials using the --user option as shown:

curl -X POST
   --user "admin:password"

cURL will automatically encrypt the specified user credentails into base63 encoded string before passing the into the server by using the Authorization: Basic [token] header.

Other POST Options

The following are other options and parameters you can use when sending POST requests using cURL.

-X	--requests	<method>	Specify request method
-b	--cookie	<data|filename>	Specify where to write cookies
-c	--cookie-jar	<filename>	Specify cookie storage file
-d	--data	<data>	Send data in POST request
-f	--fail		Fail fast on server errors
-F	--form	<name=content>	Form data for POST
-H	--header	<header/@file>	Include header in request
-i	--include	Include HTTP headers
-l	--head		Fetch headers only
-k	--insecure		Skip secure connection verification
-L	--location		Force redirect follow
-o	--output	<file>	Write output to file
-O	--remote-name		Write output to local file named like remote file
-s	--silent		Do not show progress or errors
-v	--verbose		Make output verbose
-w	--write-out	<format>	Display information on stdout after transfer



In this tutorial, we learned the fundamentals of working with and sending POST requests using cURL and the various options we can use to customize the behavior of cURL.

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